I really wanted to post something today.
To thank all of you.
Because today, more than ever, I wanted to give back.
Because this community is -objectively- extraordinary.
This year has been difficult for many, but I was among the luckiest ones.
And the reason has been every one of you.
Your constant mind-blowing generosity.
Every person that listened to my rants in DM (you know who you are, and you are truly *wonderful human beings*), everyone that commented on my silly posts, everyone that simply swiped one of my photos, one day, randomly.
I really needed to come here today, despite all the mess that my week is, and say.
I did not have anything ready, even with my very long (LONG) lists of ideas for photos to take. So, this is not a thought and framed shot, and I edited it quickly, while gobbling my coffee, reading a bunch of essays waiting for the first exam of the day.
But, genuinely, I wanted to say.
May the Force be with You.
And I MEAN it.
[Photo: Her Universe new collection]

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