The Soul

Lieutenant Commander Vanto

The Rising Storm.
If up to page 300 I was still thinking it was a nice book overall, the last 100 pages or so, completely ruined it for me.
I actually enjoyed more the first half than the second. And I didn't love the first much.
It was cheap and banal and, to be honest, not even at the level of a medium SW book, that, in a way, always gives me some depth and some interesting reflections.
No time for pondering and understanding.
Just putting there more plot for the sake of... What? Making people commenting?
What about the premises?
Soh's son and Jom? Filling. Zero depth, zero reasons to be there. Wasn't it a story that needed to be told? Probably yes, and I was all for it.
But it wasn't. Everything felt so superficial. I felt everyone so... whatever.
Elzar, the post-sex dialogue with the organizer. Useless. Left me nothing, in a direction or another. Not because it wasn't a meaningful love act, but because, when she said it wasn't (thankfully), he didn't REALLY pound the thing, not in a way (you-are-right-we-are-fine) or another (OMG-what-I-have-done).
Even Elzar and Ty. After the connection and all, not a minute to stay there and think and discuss what they shared. Nothing.
In my opinion, the book should have ended with them reflecting on everything that happened, everything they experienced.
So that they could be better, grow, learn.
Was there the need to make things happening for the sake of a new wave? Everything felt so rushed and superficial.
No real sentiment.
And the kid that walks with the plush? Please. That is NOT the way I can personally feel moved. I can relate more to the millions of people who blew up on the Death Star. Twice. It would be effective if we really mourned. I did not.
Marchion, sociopath as usual, fine. But written so more two-dimensionally.
I hoped that Older would write him in the third wave (but, nope). I love Gray, and I am excited for her Ro, but Older is giving me such a complex Marchion in the Adventures comics.
Here, he was saved just by Marc Thompson's interpretation of the character, not for the actions or thoughts themselves.
The double twist at the end was boring and unnecessary (dark Elzar and girl revealed the little evil mastermind).
And I don't even start about Loden. It was like they couldn't make anyone else die, but they wanted to kill someone for the sake of the tragedy, so they killed the only fun Jedi. Boom. Dead. AGAIN.
Seriously... No.
I respect whoever liked it. But I really didn't.
The style was good, but the plot was in any way *meaningful*.
Also, despite my underlining, a very big lack of those quotes that normally stay with me. This was unexpected. I generally find decent passages even in really TERRIBLE books, like "Heir of the Jedi" or "Ahsoka".
Not a lot here. Or at all (but I need to re-read my notes).
Sure. In the realm of bad SW books, this one is a good exercise of style. At least is well written. But, for me, it lacked character and SOUL more than everything. It could have so many things to analyze more and think more about.
Also, I must admit that reading this one just after Episode 2 novelization made everything worse.
Because in that one there is so much reflection. So many thoughts and internal monologues and POVs. So that it fills apparently plain scenes in the movie with so much more content, more feelings, more depth.
Here is the opposite. There is so much to discuss. The dark side, the temptation, the revenge, the sex. But they never stop a second for thinking REALLY about any of it. Just superficially.
I understand that during the battle wasn't a good time, sure. But they never really do.
At this point at least I hope that Gray will pause and reflect. But, in my opinion, it was a task for this (second) book not the last of the wave.
Fortunately, I still have a ton to discuss in my posts about LOTJ, and also about the Adventures comics, and Into the Dark (which is my second favorite of THR at this point), so I can skip commenting on this one completely.

The sweet loot

Tatooine Chic

Be a fool

The choice not given

The Gift

When We Were Young

Give me the fluff!

"My mother once told me about a band of mercenaries that came to a peaceful planet.They had a resource there these men coveted, so they took it.They kept coming back, taking more.Until finally, the people resisted.When they returned demanding their tribute, the people shouted back in one voice, "No more!".The mercenaries didn't like the sound of that, so they cut off the tongue of every last man, woman, and child.Do you know what that pack of animals became?Crimson Dawn and the rest of the five Syndicates have committed unspeakable crimes across the galaxy.Each of our worlds has been brutalized by the Syndicates.Crimson Dawn will use their profits from the coaxium you stole to tyrannize system after system in league with the Empire.""And what would you use it for?""The same thing my mother would have used it for if she had survived and still wore the mask.To fight back.We're not marauders.We're allies.And the war has just begun."

My Sassy Girl
"Very good, Commodore," Ar'alani said. "You’re strong and confident. Mitth’raw’nuruodo chose well.""Thank you," Faro said. "Though in all fairness, my appointment to the Chimaera came from the Imperial Navy High Command, not Admiral Thrawn himself.""I wasn’t referring to your position," Ar’alani said, "but rather to his choice of protégée. I have nothing but respect for Mitth’raw’nuruodo’s abilities. I disagree with his choice of position." Another half smile. "Unlike yours, he has chosen his.""You mean his service with the Empire?""Yes." Ar’alani half turned to gaze out the forward viewport. "There are grave threats facing the Ascendancy. The Grysks and their clients, predominantly, but others as well. We need him to lend his name and his history to our cause. But so far he refuses." She turned back to Faro. "Is his life here truly so much better?"Faro thought about Batonn, and the mission the Emperor had sent him on with Lord Vader, and his position in the current power struggle between Grand Moff Tarkin and Director Krennic."His life here is precarious," she told Ar’alani. "But this is apparently where he thinks he can best serve all of us. Including the Ascendancy."

I need Felucia

Endure it together

Love is a dagger
"Love is a dagger. It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful until it makes you bleed. But ultimately when you reach for it... it isn't real."

"He thought about it now as he guided his speeder through the streets of Mos Espa. [...] He thought about all the things he would do and places he would go, the adventures he would have and the successes he would enjoy, and the dreams he would see come true. He drove the speeder out from the city under Tatooine's suns, the heat rising off the desert sands in a shimmering wave, the light reflecting off the metal surface of the speeder like white fire."[The Phantom Menace by Terry Brooks]

When we cannot forgive

The responsibility of the choice
But we cannot truly celebrate Independence or Freedom today without understanding that the ultimate tribute for them is taking responsibility for our choices.Especially when our personal freedom is not even spread how our privilege tricks us to believe.And yes, "where there is great power there is great responsibility".[this is Winston Churchill in 1906, but I am fine with Peter Parker as well].
"I'm working right now for something I deeply believe in. For something that's important.""And after this is settled [...] you'll find something else to deeply believe in, something else that's really important. Something that concerns the Republic and the government more than it really concerns you. [...] When are you going to do something just for yourself?""I am."

Pineapple on pizza