In the last posts, I discussed how every day, in small and big things, we make decisions. In pandemics, climate, politics.
Preserving what is important, or dismantling the rusty heritage of the past.
In being compassionate, tolerant, kind, accepting, rational.
Even when we decide to do nothing.
We choose.
And our actions or inactions do affect reality.
Sure, the journey is long and tiring, and, often, resisting and rebelling is hard, uncomfortable, and scary.
But we cannot truly celebrate Independence or Freedom today without understanding that the ultimate tribute for them is taking responsibility for our choices.Especially when our personal freedom is not even spread how our privilege tricks us to believe.And yes, "where there is great power there is great responsibility".[this is Winston Churchill in 1906, but I am fine with Peter Parker as well].
I choose this photo today, these elegant earrings by @sanctuarymoonstudio, because Padmé perfectly embodies the aspiration and commitment to do better, to BE better.
While human and imperfect, as every one of us, she tried, for all her life, to be the best version of herself, and to see the best in others too.
"I'm working right now for something I deeply believe in. For something that's important.""And after this is settled [...] you'll find something else to deeply believe in, something else that's really important. Something that concerns the Republic and the government more than it really concerns you. [...] When are you going to do something just for yourself?""I am."
So today, watching the firework, I want to recognize my privilege, I want to celebrate my freedom, and I want to acknowledge that, even in my smallest act, I affect our common future.

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