"My mother once told me about a band of mercenaries that came to a peaceful planet.They had a resource there these men coveted, so they took it.They kept coming back, taking more.Until finally, the people resisted.When they returned demanding their tribute, the people shouted back in one voice, "No more!".The mercenaries didn't like the sound of that, so they cut off the tongue of every last man, woman, and child.Do you know what that pack of animals became?Crimson Dawn and the rest of the five Syndicates have committed unspeakable crimes across the galaxy.Each of our worlds has been brutalized by the Syndicates.Crimson Dawn will use their profits from the coaxium you stole to tyrannize system after system in league with the Empire.""And what would you use it for?""The same thing my mother would have used it for if she had survived and still wore the mask.To fight back.We're not marauders.We're allies.And the war has just begun."
If I tell you "masked marauders who really don't want to be told how to live their lives", who are you thinking of?
Yep. Me too.
The Nihil.
And if you think "ok, but there is a difference between a band of murderers lead by a total sociopath, and an alliance of rebels who fight abuse", I undoubtedly tend to agree with you.
Where is the line, though?
If you are a thief, your way of life is to plunder.
If the Republic arrives with its rules and order, you are, perhaps, not thrilled by the idea.
Nevertheless, if you ask me, there *IS* a difference.
It's just that, sometimes, you don't know to which group you belong.
So, you think to fight for "your freedom", for "keeping society -or fandom- as you know it", for "your traditions". And, instead, you just end up writing 124 hate comments under a Martez sisters Monday poster instigated by a bunch of idiots who aren't even as handsome as Marchion Ro.
Ps. Enfys Nest is one of the most promising characters of SW, and I truly hope to see or read about her again, one day.

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