A moment later he’d slid a double ring off two of the fingers, the twin circlets connected by a short, flexible mesh. Another moment of hesitation, and he held the double ring toward Thrawn. "Uingali foar Marocsaa," he said.
"The double ring is a prized heirloom of the Marocsaa subclan," the spokesman said quietly. "Uingali wishes you to take it and add it to your artwork, that the subclan and the Marocsaa people will not be forgotten."
For the first time since Thalias had met him, Thrawn seemed genuinely surprised. He looked at Uingali, then at the rings, then at Uingali again. Then, he held out his hand, palm upward. "Thank you," he said. "I will guard it in a place of honor."
Uingali lowered his head in a bow as he placed the double ring in Thrawn’s hand. [] It was made of a silvery metal, with a series of curved arcs embossed on the base. A cluster of what looked like small snakes rose from the center of the arcs, flanked by two much larger snakes that curved up and around, crossing each other once and ending with their heads and open mouths pointed defiantly upward.
"What is your purpose here?"
"To assure ourselves that the Paccosh have regained the peace that was stolen from them by the Nikardun," Thrawn said. [] "And to return this to its rightful owner."
"What’s he holding?" Laknym muttered.
"It’s a ring," Thalias told him. "One of the Paccosh we met on the mining station gave it to him for safekeeping."
"And the name of that owner?" the Taarja words came.
"Uingali foar Marocsaa," Thrawn said. []
"Follow us, Chiss Senior Captain Thrawn. My people are eager to meet you."
On the display the frigate’s bow angled up as it began a pitch turn. Thalias felt her mouth drop open. Emblazoned on the underside of the Nikardun frigate was a familiar image: a nest of small stylized snakes with two larger ones curving up from among them. The same image as the ring Thrawn was still holding to the cam.
[Photo: the stunning Chimaera embroidered canvas by the skillful @snipsandco_, and the beautiful pin by @lanternpins]

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