Eli blinked. So this wasn’t another inquiry board or court-martial? Eli felt a whisper of relief, mixed with a hint of melancholy. So that was it. Thrawn had been called back to receive yet another promotion. Not that Eli begrudged him the recognition. On the contrary, he more than deserved it. Eli smiled and tried to look happy—which he was, really—as he joined in the applause.
“It is also an honor and privilege” the admiral continued “for this board to rectify a situation that has too long been allowed to stand”
Eli frowned, thoughts of lists and supply manifests vanishing.
“It is therefore with equal pleasure that this board confers upon Ensign Eli Vanto—”
Eli caught his breath. It was happening. It was finally happening. After all this time, they were finally promoting him to lieutenant.
“—the rank—”
Lieutenant Vanto. Lieutenant Vanto…
“—of lieutenant commander” the admiral finished.
Eli felt his whole body stiffen.
“Congratulations” Thrawn repeated from beside him.
“Congratulations, Commodore” Tarkin said, nodding to Thrawn. “And to you, Lieutenant Commander. A fine ceremony” Tarkin continued. “I’m glad I stopped by. Governor Arihnda Pryce sends her regards and her own congratulations”
“I wondered if she might,” Thrawn said. There was, Eli noted, a hint of something in his voice. Some kind of private joke between him and Tarkin? Tarkin reached forward and touched the new commodore’s insignia plaque on Thrawn’s chest. “Consider this a bonus”
“And now, we’d best get to our new ship.”
Eli frowned. “Our new ship?”
Thrawn turned, a half-amused, half-knowing smile on his face. “I see you were not paying attention at the end. I thought not. We’re being transferred, Commander. I am now the captain of the ISD Chimaera. Shall we go?”
“Yes, sir... What did Grand Moff Tarkin mean by your promotion being a bonus?” Eli asked.
“I think it was merely a joke”
Selling your soul to the devil so as to see your 'aide' deliriously happy.
[And he doesn't even know]
Surely, a villain thing. 🙃
[All my love to @lucenorthstar, who realized this sweet masterpiece for me. Original idea: @anna_thegodkiller]

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