"Is there something you're not telling us about this job with Hondo?"
"Come on. When have I asked you to trust me and it hasn't worked out?"
"Like half the time."
"My friends, my friends! It is I, Hondo! I can't tell you how much your welcome warms this old pirate's heart. You are too gracious."
"I agree. Especially since the last time we saw you, you abandoned us on that doomed Imperial station!"
"But it all worked out in the end, right? Of course it did, because Hondo always delivers. [] Now, remember, guys, okay? Open mind." []
"Azmorigan? What makes you think we'd even consider working with him?"
"Yes, I... I know that the two of you have had your past conflagrations, but when Hondo profits, so do you."
“Does this mean I am not getting my finder’s fee?”
“You never were.”
“Perfect answer. I am so proud of you right now. I’ve never had a student learn this quickly.”
I already discussed here my total adoration for pirates.
Movies, books, tv shows.
I truly have a fascination for ALL. OF. THEM.
Easily guessed, then, Hondo Ohnaka is one of my absolute favorite SW characters.
He is witty, irreverent, tragically optimistic.
Every dialogue, it's a quotable gem.
A Sorkin-level masterpiece.
So, obviously, when this Target exclusive was released last Fall, I started looking for it. Unfortunately, the action figure was just available in stores, and, in blooming pandemic, I was barred at home.
Some lovely people looked around for me, but nothing was found at a decent price. As said already, I just don't condone paying three or four times the price of a figure just because scalpers are buying all the ones available (and not because they are actually "rare").
Therefore, with my Cad Bane and CW Ahsoka (which also took forever to arrive), it was my "grail" for months. Until, finally, Target decided to issue it again a week ago, and I snagged it the second it went online.
So don't be surprised if, as with other treasured Black Series of mine, I feature first a post with the precious box, even if, ultimately, I'm an opener.
A celebration for the sweet loot.

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