While his hero's journey is perfectly archetypical, almost unsurprising, the genuine humanity of the character, with all his flaws and messiness, connects and emotionally speaks *to me* even more profoundly than Luke or Rey.
His street urchin years in Capital City made him diffident and forcedly selfish. Surviving, young and alone, with the sole power of his will and stubbornness, he taught himself to disregard others' needs, focusing on living day by day.
Many in our current society feel and think similarly, struggling to provide for or too focused on themselves, forgetting to be compassionate.
So I totally adore the fact that from the first episode, this hardened attitude is more and more melted by the radiating power of example. I always believed that generosity and kindness are contagious.
They can be taught and learned. And Ezra absorbed every lesson.
"Who are you, people? I mean, you're not thieves exactly."
"We're not exactly anything. We're a crew. A team. In some ways, a family."
So weird, diverse people. Without personal scope or focus.
There for helping others. Just because "it is the right thing to do."
Hera (catching Ezra's big heart at one glance), Sabine, Zeb.
And Kanan.
With his final -tragic- beautiful lesson.
The true meaning of love, selflessness, and compassion.
This is, ultimately, why I love Rebels so much.
Ezra is me, he is all of us.
Our potential. Our ability to change and learn.
Creating opportunities and solutions from totally unlikely assets (I mean... space squids!).
Courageously acting, "because it is the right thing to do."
[Celebrating my love for Ezra with this adorable food package keychain by @raewardstudios. Cuteness overloaded. Ezra's bun is a "beebleberry oatmeal bread", "Juicy! Sweet! Delicious!".
And I am eating 'beebleberris' for three days now]

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