"You seem disturbed. May I ask the reason?"
"It's not important, sir."
"I presume you were unhappy to hear from Assistant Director Ronan that I had recommended against your appointment as commander of Task Force 231."
And there it was, right out in the open. [...]
"Permission to speak freely, sir?" she asked.
"Of course."
"Yes, sir, to be honest, I was," she said, rather surprised her words were coming out so calmly. [...] "May I ask why you did that?"
"Because you are far better than that" Thrawn said. "A better administrator, a better tactician, simply a better officer. I, therefore, requested that you be removed from consideration for Task Force 231 and instead be considered to command the Eleventh Fleet."
Faro felt her eyes widen. "The Eleventh Fleet? Admiral, I'm just a commodore."
"Perhaps that will change."
"Sir, this is hardly a joking matter," Faro insisted.
"I wasn't joking, Commodore," Thrawn assured her.
"The point is that you are an exceptionally competent commander, and the Imperial fleet needs to recognize and reward all such people. [...] He regarded her thoughtfully. "You also have a far better sense of Imperial politics than I do." [...]
"Thank you, sir" Faro said [...]. "I appreciate your efforts on my behalf regarding my reassignment," she added. "I'll look forward to hearing the High Command's decision."
Thrawn's eyebrows rose slightly. "You misunderstand. Your reassignment was approved earlier this morning. You'll be leaving the Chimaera at Lothal for Coruscant and orientation on your new command."
Faro felt her eyes bulge. "My new - sir?"
"Indeed," Thrawn said, and this time there was no mistaking his smile. "Congratulation, Commodore Faro. May you serve the Eleventh Fleet as well as you've served the Seventh".
"Thank you, Admiral," Faro managed. "It - sir, it's been the greatest privilege of my life to serve under you. I can only hope my officers will feel even a tenth of that pride and satisfaction under my command."
"They will that, and far more," Thrawn assured her. "And now, Commodore, one final time: You may prepare my ship".
A glorious ThrawnThursday.

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