It is extremely dynamic, almost cinematographic. The scenes jump between past and present, with emotional zooms and vehement images.
I can not express in this (brief?) caption all my thoughts. I had the fortune to share my impressions with @plokoonsbookclub who was patient enough to listen to all my rants, not making me explode for my feelings, and so generous in allowing me to read the current issues as well (I normally buy just TPBs).
You HAVE to read it.
The imponent realization that Darth Vader *IS* Anakin Skywalker in flesh and blood and pain and rage and love.
His loneliness, his never ceased fear to be abandoned, his incapacity to establish balanced relationships of any kind, really.
His body, his mind, his life, never actually *his*.
A slave, since always and forever.
Serving people. Be *own*.
By Watto, by the Order, by the Emperor.
And if the Padme theme is the main thread of this tormented story, what shocked me the most was the realization of the domestic abusive relationship between Palpatine (the mentor, the friend, the father) and Anakin.
I never truly thought about this before.
Ani seemed a cocky, bold, untamed guy, after all.
He does not listen, he does not comply.
Exponentiate that to the raging power of the Sith.
Deceiving us and himself that the hate makes him free. To choose, to leave, to destroy. To murder here, to force-choke there.
So, why just not kill the Emperor?
Why not conquer the ultimate power?
In these magnificent pages, we can see all the psychological manipulation. The perverse scheme, the prison that cannot be dismantled.
Palpatine using Anakin's inability to balance for twisting him, gaslighting him.
Giving things, removing things.
Crumpling reality.
"Who chooses the Chosen One? And why could they not choose another? You are a tool, Lord Vader. Which can be discarded when it no longer functions"
And Anakin is lost, forgot, completely alone. Hopeless.
"It is too late for me, son."
But it is not.
And Luke will break him free.

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