However, this means also that I finished all the Thrawn canon books available at the moment, and I will be experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms until April 27th, when "Greater Good" will be out.
My friends @fra_sprea and @morry81 already tested this terrible condition of mine, since I bored them to death today afternoon, ranting for 3 hours about "Chaos", the relationships between Vanto, Faro and Thrawn, and perfect actors for a possible art commission (because @morry81 is the best fan castings guru in the galaxy).
Back to "Light of the Jedi", I am really curious about this brand new expansion of the history of the Republic and the Jedi Order. I did not read any spoiler or anything (I never do), so I'm just purely excited. And, I must confess that I never was a big fan of the Order, so that I am truly looking forward to changing my mind about it.
Did you read this book already?
(No spoilers, but feel free to share your thoughts!)
Useless fact about these photos, and connected to the stories I shared today. My shots of @raewardstudios keychains are always great fun to do, and among the ones I planned the most.
However, in these two images, the subject was supposed to be the book, not really the snacks, so they were basically minimally staged, besides moving the snacks jar from a room to another.
The 'problem' is that the keychains are so cute that I might have shifted the main focus a little...
And, yes, I bought a *JAR* just for showing off the delicious Star Wars snacks created by @raewardstudios. And I regret nothing.

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