Even if I recently discovered my subconscious preference in relation to morally neutral *blue* guys, as shared in my stories, I truly cannot tie up my irrational love toward Cad Bane as his "being blue", nor "morally neutral".
He is a BAD GUY, period.
And, believe me, I am so not into bad guys.
I never cheered for the Empire, I do not like the Emperor, or Tarkin, or even Arihnda Pryce, despite Timothy Zahn's incredible effort in changing my mind.
So my fascination for Bane is totally a mystery to me.
Yes, true, I adore a lot of bounty hunters: Aurra, Embo, Seripas, and, of course, Boba. But Cad Bane is officially another level of "inexisting morality", not a disguised ultimate Robin Hood.
So that I feel quite uncomfortable even declaring that I genuinely like him.
In search of a more psychological reason, I think the simple answer is: Trinity.
Yes, Trinity and not, as for most of the people, Clint Eastwood's the "Man with No Name". And, yes, I know that Filoni loves Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo and, as a consequence, Sergio Leone's trilogy (as beautifully discussed by @viandante_del_cielo in a post), so, Bane *IS* in fact the Man with No Name.
But I think the insanely handsome Terence Hill in "They Call Me Trinity" is my *personal* irrational connection.
Call me vain.
[In the photo, the perfect @padawan.pins Cad Bane pin]

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