The border between blindly following instructions, and making a mess for not abiding by other people's (wiser? smarter? more prepared?) decisions, is often difficult to detect.
The grey area is vast and confusing.
So, if sometimes obeying orders leads to an impasse, at best, or catastrophic consequences, at worst, often society advances just by respecting the rules.
For me, the dichotomy is embedded in my brain. And it is painful.
If from one side I am a stubborn Anakin (and you have no idea how excruciating is to admit this), from the other I am... C3PO (jeez, I do not know what is worse at this point).
So, even if I never shut up when something is bothering me (no matter if it is possibly the worst thing to say at that moment), I am disappointed when people blatantly ignore procedures or regulations.
I am a subversive rebel that wants big changes (read this with an echoing voice, imagining me, fist in the hair)... who totally freaks out if you move her sofa on the left by 4.35 millimeters.
It is complicated.
This rant (!?) for celebrating #TanoTuesday, and this spectacular pin by @teamtanoalive. They are absolutely a pillar of this community. Their creations are always mindblowing, and, personally, they were one of the "big accounts" that welcomed me when I just started this IG adventure.
Which I will never forget.
This is why I am SO proud that this is the first Ahsoka pin in my collection.
[BTW, it is still available, and if you do not have it, run because you cannot miss it]

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