"So, what's special?
You already shared these".
Nope. I did not.
These are brand new and shiny.
Maybe cuddled for more minutes than I would like to admit. But they are unopened, inviolate, perfectly pristine hardcover books.
So the actual question is: "why on earth you bought books that you already have? Like... AGAIN?"
Short -true- answer: because I am, fundamentally, insane.
Long answer: because Morry and Laz book-shamed me unrestrainedly for how I handle paperbacks.
And, folks, with a proper reason.
The paperbacks are destroyed. 🙄
And, yes. I'm one of those book-terrorists that flip the cover when they read.
There. I said it.
I see your horror.
Pillory me.
And I stick post-it and write notes.
I even trimmed the adhesive bookmarks here, a hopeless attempt to minimize the mess.
And the paper is so bad, that, often, my innocent pencil tortures it with actual holes.
So. Yep.
However, these Thrawn books are my treasures. My gems.
I'm not even objective anymore. Whatever.
Ultimate stage crush.
[Please send help]
Therefore, I accepted the ignominy and decided that these unblemished copies had to be mine.
To cuddle.
With love,
TheAccidentalGeek, books tormentor.
#bookkiller #Imurderpaperbacks #sorrybutnotsorry

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