I would say impossible.
It's like trying to describe Anakin in less than 2200 characters.
[Which, I admit, seem A LOT of characters, but they are not a lot FOR ME]
Far from being the whiny emo-grown-up teenager that some people claim, he is a complex and always changing character.
When I feel he kind of got under my skin, that I can empathize, that I can understand, he somehow slips away from my fingers.
He loves too much, hates too much, loves too much all over.
Everything amplified one hundredfold.
All those sensations and voices.
Everyone pushing and pulling, just projecting what they want him to be.
Keeping the balance is simply impossible.
But, still, even if I feel him, even if I can emotionally connect at times, he is still mostly ineffable.
No matter if I have 2200 or 5000 or one million characters to write.
[I see your scared faces 🙃]
And then @thenerfherderco arrives.
And with two simple packages of magic, she perfectly frames both Ben and Kylo.
Persistent but subtle, present yet, somehow, shy. But also larger than life, powerful, unapologetic.
She has a true gift, folks.
I'm telling you.

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