As always in my life, I am not an expert in anything.
But I enjoy trying everything.
Spent the last couple of months wrapped in delicious scents created by @thenerfherderco, melting under the voice of Thrawn or Marchion Ro, smiling at Loden's funny accent, or Eli's cute inflection (all Marc Thompson, by the way), I realized that multiple are the senses that we involve while diving into a story or a character.
So, even if I can keep crying turning the pages of a fan book like "Last Known Trajectory", cuddled by Tumblr's artist fanarts, I have to recognize that we are attracted by more than mere actions or visuals.
A smell. A voice.
A taste.
Yes. Why not a taste?
If I can imagine scents associated with a character, I can totally relate them to flavors too.
Salty, spicy, sour.
Don't we use these exactly for describing moods and attitudes?
So here is where I arrived at these "fandom" teas, helped by a precious hint from @soulnova_alizrak.
The one I share today is "Grand Admiral Thrawn", which blend ingredients are shown in the second photo. The tea mix was artistically created by VC at "CoruscanTea", and you can find it on Adagio Tea. Tin samples are 6 dollars, with larger boxes for 14 and 24 dollars.
"Grand Admiral Thrawn" is tasty but not invasive, a little sour thanks to the blueberries and the apples.
The base oolong is good.
Not smoky, not heavy, it has a firm, but gentle flavor.
[I will let this sentence sink in for a moment]
I am not sure I can perceive the coconut or the cornflowers, but the color and smell are delicious.
Best decision ever.

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