Sitting on the floor with his classmates in the central security station, young Caleb Dume listened —but not intently. His mind wandered. [] He was just one of the crowd, not yet apprenticed to a mentor. But one day, he'd be out there, traveling to exotic worlds with his Master. They'd provide peace and order for the citizens of the Galactic Republic, defeating evil whenever he found it. Then he saw himself later, as a Jedi Knight, fighting alongside the Republic's clone warriors against the enemy Separatists. Sure, Republic Chancellor Palpatine had promised to resolve the war soon, but no one could be so rude as to end the war before Caleb got his chance. []
"It's just in the test mode now," Obi-Wan said. "No one will respond. But were there a true emergency, Jedi could receive the message in several ways. [] No matter the format, the basic purpose should be clear—"
"Go home!" the collected students shouted.
Obi-Wan nodded. Then he saw a hand being raised. "The student in the back," he said, finishing for a name. "Caleb Dume, right?"
"Yes, Master."
Obi-Wan smiled. "I'm learning too." The students giggled. "You have a question, Caleb?"
"Yes." The boy took a breath. "Where?"
"Where what?"
The other pupils laughed again, a little louder this time.
"Where's home? Where do we go?"
Obi-Wan smiled. "To Coruscant, of course. Here, to the Jedi Temple. []"
The teacher started to turn back to the beacon when he spotted Caleb Dume jabbing his hand in the air again. [] "Yes, Caleb?"
"Why—" []
"Why don't you tell me, Caleb: What reasons would you expect would cause us to recall every Jedi in the Order?" []
"Unexpected reasons."
"That's as a good an answer I've ever heard," he said. [] "So the important thing is, when you get the signal..."
"...go home!" the children said, Caleb included.
"Very good." Obi-Wan deactivated the signal and walked through the crowd to the exit. [] Caleb stood, but did not leave the aisle. []
"What is it, Caleb?" []
"Can you send people away?"
Everyday I celebrate the heart of this kind, humble, stubborn Jedi, reminding myself to never stop questioning and being myself.
[In the photo, my Kanan bracelet by @silverbyselene
Quote from "A New Dawn" by J.J. Miller]

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