The first issue was a tiny little disappointing, after the good start (the last scenes in Bespin, at the end of Episode 5).
Maybe it was just my fault because I *did* (normally I don't) see some leaked images of the 'catching the Anakin saber' page, and I was stupidly expecting a known character or a more complex one.
Varla was not so well depicted, in my opinion, and I did not feel sympathetic to her at all. And not because she was hunted or scared or different from the iconic fearless Jedi. Kanan, Cal, and Cere are some of my favorite characters in the whole franchise, so I think I was just expecting more layers in her personality, motivations, nightmares even. Instead, she was merely a street banner to find a temple.
I also felt there were some loopholes, as very few people knew the Anakin-Vader secret, or, after the confirmation by Varla, Luke's further need to ask a *dying* Yoda if Vader was his father indeed.
Anyway, this second installment seems more about Leia and Zahra, and I hope to grow a little my interest in this character.
I will definitely rant again about this soon.
[In the photo, among other things, my precious Leia Organa desk cards by @scifigirlnextdoor.
Also, note that the Defender depicted -the blaster- is supposed to be for 'my' character, not Leia's. This is why is not shiny black, but scratched metal. You know, just because I'm pedantic and I would never *willingly* wrong the color otherwise.]

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