It is the time of the High Republic: a peaceful union of like-minded worlds where all voices are heard, and governance is achieved through consensus, not coercion or fear. It is an era of ambition, of culture, of inclusion, of Great Works".
"Light of the Jedi" is, more than in one way, a very political book.
With very political views.
And whoever says that "Star-Wars-should-not-be-political-yaddayadda" probably did not really pay too much attention to seven seasons of a series in which entire episodes were about how conflicts are actually ruled by bank control and good PR.
Yes, in a kids' tv-show. Go figure.
So, sorry if my posts about "Light of the Jedi" will be less than a little political.
And if you can see in this the reflection of the time we live now, and what we can be but we choose not to, well.
I am just here quoting a SW book.
"The Republic was not one world. It was many, each unique in ways large and small. Solving one problem inevitably caused others. There were intractable cultural, historical, economic, and military conflicts among inhabitants of worlds. [.]
But the key was this. [.] You could not solve those problems individually. It was ridiculous to even try. What you could do, however, was make the various peoples of this high era of the Galactic Republic see one another *as* people."
"I believe if is possible because of us. Because we can and will work together to achieve it. We are, every one of us, a great work. I see a galaxy where we use our strengths to shore up each other's weaknesses, where we understand and celebrate our differences and hold them up as valuable. We are a Republic where every voice matters, whether in the Core or on the farthest planet at the edge of the Rim."
"That was the goal.
One idea. One sentiment.
She could do it. Everyone could do it.
Chancellor Soh knew it was true. Five words.
We are all the Republic."
[In the photo the mesmerizing, out of this world —literally— t-shirt by @hello_there_stickers. I think I never put an alarm clock for buying a t-shirt before. And I regret NOTHING.]

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