"And?" Vanto said. *The wrinkles return. His head turns slightly to his right*
"I do not understand."
"I ask what you have leaned about humans," Vanto said. *His eyes narrow slightly*.
"I misspoke. Apologies. I meant to say I could learn about a person, YOU, from the stories you choose to tell."
"And what have you learned about me?" Vanto asked. *His eyes return to normal size. His vocal tone lowers in pitch*.
"Thar you do not wish to be here. [...] You wish to return to your numbers and inventory lists," Thrawn said. "That is where your talents lie, and where your desire your path to lead."
"Fascinating," Vanto said. *His tone takes a new, rumbling texture. The corners of his lips tighten briefly. [...]
"Is what you wish?" Thrawn asked.
"Absolutely," Vanto said. *The fuller tone partially fades from his voice* "What I don't know is why you care."
"Why I care about what?"
"Why you care about ME," Vanto said. [...]
"You are my translator. You hold my words in your hand, and their meaning." [...]
"Krayt spit" Vanto said. *He makes a snorting sound though his nose*.
"Forgive me?"
"I call krayt spit," Vanto said. "You've picked up a lot of Basic in the past couple of days. You speak it as well I do. Probably better - you don't have a Wild Space accent people can make fun of. The last thing you need is a translator."
"What is meant by krayt spit?"
"It's a slang term for nonsense," Vanto said. *The left corner of his lips twists upward*. "Especially nonsense that the speaker knows is nonsense."
"I see. Krayt spit. I will remember that."
These two.
Adorable way beyond words.
[So, I did this thing, and I ordered an Eli and Thrawn ring, beautifully done by Caitlynminimalist.
You can judge me now.]

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