[It is insane that we are already at the SEVENTH part of this— actually 8th because I did not count the first. And just considering his mentoring attitude!]
"All beings possess imagination to varying degrees," Thrawn said. "It can be encouraged and nurtured, or can sometimes shine out in moments of stress.
But curiosity is a choice"
[This is one of my favorite Thrawn's quotes, btw]
Thrawn was taller than Samakro had expected, and carried himself with grace and a certain air of confidence. He was also courteous to the officers and warriors, and knew his way around the Springhawk. [.]
"The quality of the Springhawk's repair and maintenance crew has improved considerably since you were placed in command."
Samakro felt his eyes narrow. A compliment? Or a subtle reminder that Thrawn was the ship's captain now? [.]
Probably a compliment, he decided.
"I'm glad she's confident," Samakro muttered.
"She is." Thrawn cocked his head. "There's another reason for taking only a small force, though, a tactical reason. What do you think it might be?"
"I have no idea."
"Think," Thrawn urged. "You have knowledge and vision. Apply them to the problem." [.]
Two Chiss ships... an unknown number of opponents... a tactical reason... "It will certainly be easier to evaluate the Lioaoin tactics when they only have two of us to shoot at," he commented, stalling for time while he tried to think. Two Chiss ships...
"Exactly," Thrawn said, inclining his head. "Well done, Mid Captain."
[In the photo: the striking beauty of @pinmasterleidy pin featuring a rebel ysalamir —can you please stay still for this shot, can't you?— and an equally untamed lock of hair. The pin is still available in the Etsy shop, and, deserves to be part of your collection. In the image background, the addictive Thrawn scented candle by @thenerfherderco and the adorable plush by @penguinfairycrafts]

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