I am very committed to sharing with you *all* the longest/more relevant extracts in which Thrawn is the ultimate exemplary boss.
I think I still have a couple of posts missing. It will follow a series in which he shows to care for sentient life, a series about Eli, one about the relationship between Thrawn and Ar'alani, and between Thrawn and Nightswan.
And all because I am pedantic, and IG allows me just 2200 characters each time.
"Commodore, you brought us here on the same vector the Allanar disappeared along, did you not?"
Faro started to speak, then paused. Ronan saw a small frown crease her forehead, and her posture stiffened a bit.
Mentally, he shook his head. He'd never cared for commanders who liked to entrap their subordinated, trying to catch them in mistakes and humiliate them in front of their fellow officers and crew.
Sadly, more and more people seemed to play that game these days, from the sadistic Emperor and his crackling manipulation, through Tarkin and his cultured viciousness, all the way down to minor warship captains who would never amount of anything and knew it. [...]
There was another flicker as Faro's expression changed. "No, sir, I didn't," she said, a quiet confidence in her voice. "We left the transfer point on that vector; but we were farther out on the edge than the Allanar. We arrived in the same system, but we didn't travel through exactly the same space."
Thrawn inclined his head. "Very good, Commodore," he said.
And smiled.
Ronan frowned. He *smiled*?
But smiling wasn't part of the game. The object was humiliation, and Faro has escaped the trap. Thrawn should have scowled, or at the very least hidden his disappointment behind a neutral expression.
But he'd *smiled*.
[Featured in the photo, beside a slice of myself, the absolutely unmissable graphic novel of Zahn's "Thrawn." The TPB is now a little expensive, but you can find it for a few dollars on Google Books or the Marvel app.
Does anyone hope for a graphic novel of Chaos too? Young Thrawn and Ar'alani...]

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