Full disclosure here.
The reason why I am featuring "Star Wars" (2015) TPB #2 and #3 together, is because the cover of the third issue is probably the ugliest cover of a comic book I saw. EVER.
And I really couldn't think how to have that... thing *alone* in a picture.
Contentwise, though, I truly enjoyed both issues.
The Obi-Wan tales in the second and third TPB (originally published in #7 and #15) are little treasures. Simone Bianchi's art is very peculiar, but, in my opinion, beautiful. The very different, hyper-realistic style of Mike Mayhew is also noteworthy, even if I personally do not like how he represented Obi and Luke.
Both of these brief stories are a glimpse of what to expect from the Obi-Wan series next year: solitude, angst, remorse.
A LOT of family drama.
And a LOT of time to think.
[Hopefully flash-backs, yadda-yadda, Hayden, yadda-yadda]
I found particularly interesting the fact that Obi-Wan respects and kind of understands Owen's categorical denial in allowing any training for Luke (I will speak more extensively about Jedi training/family choices in another post).
And I absolutely adored seeing a little more of the "poor-uncle-Owen".
Barely speaking, grumpy, then suddenly flambé (the irony!), in the movies he seems not even deserve Luke's mourning, as he is more upset by the death of "I-know-you-since-two-days-Ben" than of his 19 years adoptive father (!).
Owen has the potential to be a very solid character, with motivation and will.
I truly hope for further development in the series.
The original issues 8-12 are illustrated by Immonen: the art is good, and I always appreciate it when the characters do look like the original actors.
Also: lightsabers.
A LOT of lightsabers.
The panel with Han, Leia, and Chewie ready to battle with the laser swords is pretty epic in my book. And seeing the young Leia with a (blue) lightsaber gave me chills.
Also, I love Sana.
Although I do not read Doctor Aphra, I truly appreciated the introduction of a canonical non-straight character.
Representation truly matters, and I am here to fight every day whoever says otherwise.
PS. Vader is superb, once again.

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