
Squaring the circle. Cause I'm sleepless anyway.

Squaring the circle.

She will never understand him.
She didn't in 40 years.
She won't do it in the future.
She is like Clark or Hal.
She is black and white.
She is right and wrong.
She is a superhero.

He is just a man.
He is a hero too, right. But so stubbornly just human.
He simply doesn't believe. In absolutes.
He hates more and loves more.
He wants, he hunts.
He cares, he suffers.

In all these years they had damn good sex.
15 minutes of enchanted fairytaled true happiness.
And a long road of misery.

So. Now. What?
They should continue this for the next 40 years?
The same torturing I-love-you-Ollie/Dinah-but-I-cannot-stand-to-live-with-you thing?
They didn't get it yet?
That probably Ollie could better sharing his every day toothpaste with Bruce than her?

And, I mean, I LOVE Dinah.
I fucking adored THOSE 15 minutes of sparkling perfection.

That moment has gone and they should move on.
And so, PLEASE, we and you too.

With Chloe.


Just kiss me slowly

"I can see you there with the city lights.
Fourteenth floor,
Pale blue eyes.
I can breathe you in.

Two shadows standing by the bedroom door,
No, I could not want you more than I did right then,
As our heads leaned in.

I'm not sure what this going to be,
But with my eyes closed all I see,
is the sky line through the window,
The moon above you and the streets below,
Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste your lips and feel your skin,
When the time comes baby,
Don’t run, just kiss me slowly."


The pigeon is coming

Speaking about the truth.
I don't know if you will ever read this letter.
But, come on. It's 4.44 in the morning. A damn good time for a nerdy letter.
And I have nothing better to do than writing my definitely also nerdy academic paper. So.
Good. In 4 line I totalized like 1000 points in geekyness.
I hope I gained your attention, then.

Speaking about the truth.
I'm a fan.
I'm a fan of Green Arrow.
I'm 35, I'm Italian, I live in Taiwan, and, in all this madness, I'm a HUGE fan of Green Arrow.
Of Oliver Queen.
He is handsome, he is funny, he is the-perfect-man-period.
Well, wait.

Speaking about the truth.
He was.
In 20 years that I read his stories I saw him MISERABLE *SO* many times.
I think no other supposed-to-be "hero" was so miserable how many times as him.
It seems that the formula "damsel in distress" is working for DC with "put GA in some kind of self destructive and depressive time".
Whatever. I'm sort of become use to it.


Speaking about the truth.
I'd like something NEW. Something, well, maybe a little risky in the testosteronic world of comics.
I'd like for him a new story. A new love. A new, challenging, plot.
Yes. You know about what I'm talking, right?

Smallville it's just finished.
And Chloe Sullivan is a HELL GOOD CHARACTER for leaving her behind.
So. Simple.

She is the perfect woman.
She is smart, indipendent, funny, pretty.
100% the best female character created for the television.
I know. She would missing the Allison Mack factor.
And that was a pretty GOOD one.
But. Still.
It could be happen.
And it could be square perfect.

These, my 5 cents.

Speaking about the truth.
I'm still not believing that you will read this letter.
But, if you do.
Give it a try.

And, please. Stop to make him miserable.
We like him more when he makes funny jokes about Batman's clothes.


Cadere dal divano è possibile.


[Spoiler NCIS]

Sull'ultima frase, sono caduta dal divano.

Tony: “Hey. Whatcha working on?”
Gibbs: “Wood.”
Tony: “What’s the occasion? …I thought we could talk.”
Gibbs: “So talk.”
Tony: “You know, I look up to you, boss. I’ve learned a lot from you over the last ten years. You’ve been a great teacher.”
Gibbs: “You got a point, DiNozzo?”
Tony: “I’ve always thought that the head-slaps were a sign of affection. Today, in the squad room, I was expecting one. And I didn’t… I didn’t get it. Are you pissed at me?”
Gibbs: “Rule number 12.”
Tony: “Never date a coworker. Yeah. I know. She’s pretty great, though. EJ and I have a lot in common. She’s easy to be with, you know? It’s nice to have somebody to talk to… NCIS doesn’t have any policy against it. You know, there are married agents, and technically, EJ and I… Well, we don’t work together; We’re on separate teams.”
Gibbs: “My team. My rules. Sleeping with Barrett’s a bad idea.”
Tony: “No offense, but my personal life is my business.”
Gibbs: “It’s going to affect your work.”
Tony: “No, it won’t.”
Gibbs: “Already has.”
Tony: “I know what you’re thinking. That I’ve lost focus; that I’ve taken my eye off the ball.”
Gibbs: “I depend on you.”