I don't know if you will ever read this letter.
But, come on. It's 4.44 in the morning. A damn good time for a nerdy letter.
And I have nothing better to do than writing my definitely also nerdy academic paper. So.
Good. In 4 line I totalized like 1000 points in geekyness.
I hope I gained your attention, then.
Speaking about the truth.
I'm a fan.
I'm a fan of Green Arrow.
I'm 35, I'm Italian, I live in Taiwan, and, in all this madness, I'm a HUGE fan of Green Arrow.
Of Oliver Queen.
He is handsome, he is funny, he is the-perfect-man-period.
Well, wait.
Speaking about the truth.
He was.
In 20 years that I read his stories I saw him MISERABLE *SO* many times.
I think no other supposed-to-be "hero" was so miserable how many times as him.
It seems that the formula "damsel in distress" is working for DC with "put GA in some kind of self destructive and depressive time".
Whatever. I'm sort of become use to it.
Speaking about the truth.
I'd like something NEW. Something, well, maybe a little risky in the testosteronic world of comics.
I'd like for him a new story. A new love. A new, challenging, plot.
Yes. You know about what I'm talking, right?
Smallville it's just finished.
And Chloe Sullivan is a HELL GOOD CHARACTER for leaving her behind.
So. Simple.
She is the perfect woman.
She is smart, indipendent, funny, pretty.
100% the best female character created for the television.
I know. She would missing the Allison Mack factor.
And that was a pretty GOOD one.
But. Still.
It could be happen.
And it could be square perfect.
These, my 5 cents.
Speaking about the truth.
I'm still not believing that you will read this letter.
But, if you do.
Give it a try.
And, please. Stop to make him miserable.
We like him more when he makes funny jokes about Batman's clothes.

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